Winter 2011/2012
Features | |
14 Selling Connecticut Products Abroad. Our photo essay goes global By David Corrigan and Briann Greenfield |
20 Ebenezer Bassett’s Historic Journey Our first black diplomat serves the first black republic. By Carolyn B. Ivanoff with Mary J. Mycek and Marian K. O’Keefe |
25 A Connecticut Feminist Prophet Charlotte Perkins Gilman makes her way in the world. By Mary Ellen Ellsworth |
30 The Making of a Humanitarian Fredrick Walcott responds to Poland’s plight. By Mark H. Jones |
Contents | |
pg 9 | Hog River Journal: Cheers for 10 Years! |
pg 10 | Letters, etc |
g 13 | From the State Historian: Discovering the Explorer Hiram Bingham III By Walter W. Woodward |
pg 14 | Selling Connecticut Products Abroad. By David Corrigan and Briann Greenfield |
pg 20 | Ebenezer Bassett’s Historic Journey By Carolyn B. Ivanoff with Mary J. Mycek and Marian K. O’Keefe |
pg 25 | Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Connecticut Feminist Prophet By Mary Ellen Ellsworth |
pg 30 | The Making of a Humanitarian By Mark H. Jones |
pg 35 | A Godmother to Ravensbrück Survivors By Kristin Peterson Havill |
pg 39 | The Slaters Go Round the World By Vivian Zoe |
pg 45 | Hartford History Center: Letters Home to the Children of Hartford By Allyson Smally |
pg 46 | Destination: Nathaniel Palmer — The Discoverer of Antarctica By Jesse Duthrie |
pg 48 | Site Lines: Silas Deane House By Linda Pagliuco |
pg 50 | From the Desk of Stuart Parnes, Connecticut Humanities Council |
pg 51 | Spotlight: Events & news from partner organizations |
pg 56 | Afterword |