SPRING 2005 VOLUME 3 / NUMBER 2 SPECIAL ISSUE: MADE IN CONNECTICUT Twain’s Love Affair with Technology Rentschler Reaches for the Sky 1896 Electric Cars Hit Hartford Streets The Silk Route Leads to Manchester SUBSCRIBE/ ORDER ONLINEOn the cover: Top row, left to right: The Pope Mark I electric automobile, 1897; Landers, Frary & Clark’s coffee percolator, c. 1914; Pratt & Whitney Aircraft’s Wasp engine, c. 1926. Middle row, left to right: Horace Wells; Mark Twain’s self-pasting scrapbook; G. Snow’s Match Safe patent drawing.Bottom row, left to right: Teaching the mechanics of speech to the deaf; Ribbon loom, Cheney Brothers, 1914; Fundamental Orders, 1639.